Immigrants often arrive alone in the United States. This is mostly for economic reasons, as long-distance travel in a group can be quite expensive. For many of those immigrants who’ve managed to settle down in the United States, however, bringing their families over to share their life will be a dream come true. It’s also a very possible dream with the help of a dependable Philadelphia immigration lawyer to advise families on ways to immigrate.
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For many of those fleeing persecution in their home countries, there is one option to seek asylum. It is a heart-wrenching decision, but asylum seekers flee their home countries hoping to live a better life in America. The road is not easy, however, and that’s why those seeking asylum in the United States should get skilled immigration lawyers in Philadelphia, PA to represent them.
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In the middle of 2013, the Senate took a huge step toward implementing immigration reform by passing the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act (S.744). The House, however, has preferred a ‘step-by-step’ approach. Five separate bills have come from the House committee, yet a comprehensive reform bill has still not been heard of from the House floor. >>Continue Reading
U.S. immigration laws are complex and pose a formidable challenge to anyone applying for a visa, a green card, or citizenship in the country. They’re not all that prohibitive, though; with a lot of patience and the expertise of a reliable immigration attorney in Philadelphia, such as Best Immigration Law Group, there’s a greater chance you can overcome the odds and be legally welcomed in the United States. Here are a few basic things to consider before assembling your immigration papers. >>Continue Reading
According to the Pew Research Center Hispanic Trends Project, nearly 12 million unauthorized immigrants live in the country today. Most of them live on the periphery to avoid deportation back to their home countries.
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